Friday 1 February 2013

How to use Pinterest as a business

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Pinterest, making waves, is definitely the new social media site offering some definite benefits and advantages for businesses, especially, the smaller ones. Just a little behind Facebook and Twitter, the website gets millions of hits daily. Therefore it is no wonder to see businesses looking at Pinterest for greener pastures.

Pinterest is a common online pinboard, where anyone can display their favorite pictures and ideas on just about any topic and interest. This public display of personal tastes and interest connects many people sharing common interest. It has turned into a wealth store of ideas and information on just about any subject. An item may be re-pinned many times and may be viewed again and again but the viewers are always taken to its original site. This can be a great medium for some of the top brands and businesses to connect with the masses through images. Some big names that can be seen a lot on Pinterest include HGTV,Better Homes & Gardens, West Elm and Whole Foods Market.

Crafting seems to be one of the most popular subject and thousands of people follow Martha Stewart Living on Pinterest and many more keep track of the crafting boards. The ease of usage of the website and the interaction with the help of images is what drives audience to Pinterest.

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Top Tips for Fixing SEO Penalties

Having worked so hard on seo to position yourself on the fabled first page of Google search results for your targeted keywords, suddenly finding you are experiencing a huge dip in web traffic can be massively frustrating, Even if you have done a great SEO work on it.

Honest Appraisal

Like everything in life, the first thing you should do is look at yourself. How has your approach been towards your online marketing? You may be a staunch believer in so-called white hat SEO, but have you may be bent the rules just a touch in order to gain a competitive advantage over competitors?
Even if you have only submitted your site to one link farm, it could have a massive impact on your search rankings and visibility. If you have done this, or succumbed to the temptation of keyword stuffing on one or two articles or blog posts, get them removed from your site.

Thorough Analysis

Unfortunately, even experienced SEO’s can fall foul of search engine penalties, and the issue is not often an easy fix such as the one outlined above. The best approach is often the good old-fashioned trial and error – not ideal if you have a demanding website owner who wants to know why they have disappeared from Google without trace, but the best way to fix the problem once and for all.

Monday 28 January 2013

3 things Celebrities Enjoy Most on Twitter

Not long ago, it was customary for any showbiz celebrity to have a manager or an agent who managed their public image. Statements were carefully derived and then issues to public, but that’s not the case anymore.

If you are a Twitter regular you would know about the unbelievable crazy stuff people do on Twitter. Well that doesn’t exclude celebrities. Here are five things that celebrities love to do on Twitter.

Humor (mostly self-manufactured)

Celebrities use humor to keep things interesting, to get good publicity and make their profiles more interactive. We all remember Robert Downey Jr.’s Tweet about China using the same person for every sport. This sort of Tweeting is very common. Will Ferrel once showed us a magnificent way of remembering a password: “I changed my password to ‘incorrect’, So that whenever I forget, it will tell me, ‘Your password is incorrect.’”

Saying nice things about colleagues

This goes in every business, that when you have completed a project you show the common courtesy to thank everyone who worked with you. Celebrities also do this a lot. Almost every time a movie or a video is completed, you see Tweets like “It was amazing working with —, enjoyed every moment of it“ or something like “Just finished shooting last scene of — and I am going to miss working with these guys”.

Giving haters the piece of their minds

It’s not like they are grownups, it’s not like they are famous, it’s not like people look up to them – whenever they hear a critical notion spreading, 80% of the celebrities react to silence it. And no not by performance but by Twitter! Miley Cyrus recently tweeted:”My dad Billy Ray Cyrus used to tell me, ‘opinions are like a—holes, everybody has one.’ LOVE my hair. Feel so happy, pretty, and free.” Oh boy! It’s just a hairstyle.

Reference: Learnospirit

Sunday 27 January 2013

SEO professionals feel more empowered within organisations

A new report published by Search Engine Watch and Conductor, has looked at the state of the SEO industry from the point of view of professionals and found that the majority now feel that they are better able to influence things within the organisations for which they work in.

The report found that 63 per cent of business leaders and executive level employees were now more familiar with SEO than they were in 2011. This has allowed for them to green light various SEO strategies and approaches, which might have previously met with resistance due to a lack of understanding.

The authors of the report believe that SEO is naturally becoming more deeply ingrained in the standard operating procedures of businesses across the world, with this evolution helping professionals to get on with their jobs and impact search rankings effectively.

Many professionals who operate within larger organisations explained in the report that they spend a lot of their time engaging with managers and executives, to educate them about optimisation and thus get them on side with any decisions that need to be made further down the line.

This is helping to dissolve the obstacles of scepticism which have dogged the industry in the past, allowing for a less cynical and more supportive approach to SEO within the private sector.


Thursday 24 January 2013

The desert that is old world SEO

In 2011 you should have stopped spammy backlinks. In 2012, if you are still implementing spammy link building (paid or otherwise) then you are at this moment on a tightrope with a whole array of penalisation methods that Google now have in place beneath you and your website.

I know (and you should know) that high rankings created by large volumes of bad links is verging on SEO suicide if you are working for a reputable organisation. When (not ‘if’) you get penalised, you have no control of the severity.

Time to move on
Slow, gradual progress underpinned by online PR, proactive social media and technical SEO means that you play the long game right. Progress in my book is 30-50% year on year traffic growth for the ‘non-brand’ terms.

Some questions for you to think about

Have you installed code?
Have you installed Facebook Open Graph code?
Have you read the 23 points checklist from Amit Singhal (check this post:
Do you regularly check your site Page Speed and your bounce rate (one page visits)?

Read More

Thursday 6 December 2012

Top trick to keep visitors coming back

Visitors are the imperative for a website to grow rapidly. If you have a healthy and rich traffic for your website then you can earn a handsome money via your website but the main thing is you will get popularity over internet. Their are lots of free methods to keep your visitors coming back to your site. Some of them are given below.

1) Start a forum, chatroom or shoutbox
Whenever you  will start a forum, chatroom or shoutbox, you will provide a place to your visitor to voice their opinions and interact with their peers. As conversations build up, a sense of community will also follow and your visitors will come back to your site almost religiously every day.

2) Start a blog
Start your own blog on your website and try to keep it update with latest news about yourself. Humans are so curious to know about other guys they will keep their eyes on you. Whenever you will update  something about you they will surely come back to youe site.

3) Carry out polls or surveys
Polls and surveys are so popular these days. These are the other forms of interaction that you should definitely consider adding to your site to gain maximum traffic for your website. These polls and surveys  provide a quick way for visitors to voice their opinions and to get involved in your website or discussion. But try to publish polls and surveys relevant to your website to keep them interested to find out the results of surveys.

Refrence: Top trick to keep visitors coming back

Monday 3 December 2012

Using Social Media for your business

Nowadays, there are so many books and custom research papers that tell about different means and methods to promote the business activities. No doubt, there are conventional means of business advertisements and promotions but the time is changing the trends. 

Online marketing the best way to get success
The first most important thing for the business and trade is marketing. No doubt, print and electronic media is providing lots of ways for the purpose of business marketing but the internet is leading them. Why online sources are leading?

Getting traffic from the social media
Another benefit of using the social media for the business is high traffic. The companies and businessmen who have online business portals and websites can attach their websites and portals with the social media sources to get high traffic.

High traffic simply means high income. In order to understand the role of high traffic the readers should learn how high traffic produces more incomes for the businessmen and companies. Actually, web traffic is a ratio of web users who visit any web page in given period of time. Would you like to get high web traffic without spending more money? The people who are looking for high traffic without investing more money should think about the social media services and sources because these are popular to provide great web traffic.
